The Breach sings the wild salmon like Whitman once sang the folk life and burgeoning streets of America’s cities. The Breach roars the truth that when our thousand rivers and rills are stripped of their salmon, we are all bankrupted – tribes, towns, animals, trees, flowers, all facing a horrendous desolation and dearth and theft of the shared sacred.... I find the silence of salmonless rivers very hard to bear. So, as The Breach so beautifully suggests, let us find the loss unbearable, stand up together, and stop those who would steal away this great gift. This film shows us the way to keep the Gift coming. 
— David James Duncan - author of The River Why

At every screening of The Breach, Alaskans filled the room and applauded [director Mark] Titus’ celebration of salmon and the Native cultures, eco-systems, and livelihoods they sustain. You heard that right: The film sold out in every stop of its tour.
— Thomas Tilden, The Bristol Bay Times


I think it tells the whole story. It really lays out the thread that we have incrementally destroyed salmon habitat. Salmon is the king 12 months out of the year in Bristol Bay.
— Dillingham (AK) Rep. Bryce Edgmon

...An unusual mix of science and emotion, it is a cautionary tale of man’s ability to destroy salmon in a quest for expansion. Ultimately, however, the film is a celebration of salmon - and the economies and cultures that salmon sustain.
— Taryn Kiekow Heimer - from her NRDC Blog


At the end of the Oregon Premiere, Ron Precious, who received the EcoHero Award at the 2015 Portland EcoFilm Festival said, “I would be happy to surrender my award”. The film [The Breach] is at once, cutting with it’s truth telling, wondrous with it’s artistry, and moving in the clarity of it’s call – that we join with the wild and free.
— The Breach! - Mythic Invocations for Wild Salmon by Treothe Bullock from his Blog, "Fresh Ancients of Cascadia and Beyond"

Read HERE’s time for wild salmon to really step into the limelight: They just got their own feature-length film.
— A Must-See Movie Dedicated to the Salmon Dilemma - from 'Clean Plates' National Blog


With the film, director Titus makes the point that growing public outcry and political pressure regarding Pebble, Tongass clearcutting, and other threats to wild populations are important to fulfilling the implicit pact we have with wild salmon. If we get out of the way and let them complete their instinctive lifecycles, they can sustain us.
— Allowing Pacific Wild Salmon to Define Sustainability by Colles Stowell - 'Cape Ann Fresh Catch'


CBS Local 2 - Palm Springs, CA - January 6, 2015

CBS Local 2 - Palm Springs, CA - January 6, 2015

KTVA ALASKA - Channel 11 - February 20, 2015

KTVA ALASKA - Channel 11 - February 20, 2015

New Day Northwest - King 5 - Seattle -      May 28, 2015

New Day Northwest - King 5 - Seattle -      May 28, 2015

Seattle Kitchen with Tom Douglas        October 5, 2014 

Seattle Kitchen with Tom Douglas        October 5, 2014 

Russ Busch: Salmon Defender, Elwha Tribe Adoptee, True Northwesterner - KUOW, Seattle  June 24, 2015

Russ Busch: Salmon Defender, Elwha Tribe Adoptee, True Northwesterner - KUOW, Seattle  June 24, 2015

The Future of Wild Salmon by Terry Gildea - KUER, Salt Lake City May 12, 2015 (art by Ray Troll)

The Future of Wild Salmon by Terry Gildea - KUER, Salt Lake City May 12, 2015 (art by Ray Troll)

Return of the Wild Salmon with Mark Titus - Creator of the transformational film The Breach - Living Dialogues with Duncan Campbell - KGNU 88.5, Boulder, CO (art by Ray Troll)

Return of the Wild Salmon with Mark Titus - Creator of the transformational film The Breach - Living Dialogues with Duncan Campbell - KGNU 88.5, Boulder, CO (art by Ray Troll)

Morning Shift: Sustainable Salmon documentary - WBEZ 91.5 Chicago           May 1, 2015 

Morning Shift: Sustainable Salmon documentary - WBEZ 91.5 Chicago           May 1, 2015


A filmmaker’s love story with salmon screens around Alaska by Kevin Reagan - KTOO Public Media - Juneau, AK February 23, 2105

A filmmaker’s love story with salmon screens around Alaska by Kevin Reagan - KTOO Public Media - Juneau, AK February 23, 2105

Mark Titus, Director of The Breach - Fish Nerds:  Celebrating the World of Fish, Fishing and Cooking Fish - Dave Kellam and Clay Groves - November 16, 2015

Mark Titus, Director of The Breach - Fish Nerds:  Celebrating the World of Fish, Fishing and Cooking Fish - Dave Kellam and Clay Groves - November 16, 2015

Filmmaker Vows to Preserve Alaska's Wild Salmon by Chris Cocoles - Alaska Sporting Journal - May 21, 2015

Filmmaker Vows to Preserve Alaska's Wild Salmon by Chris Cocoles - Alaska Sporting Journal - May 21, 2015

How to Save Salmon with a Fork and a Knife by Mark Titus and Tom Douglas - Op-Ed - The Seattle Times - June 23, 2015

How to Save Salmon with a Fork and a Knife by Mark Titus and Tom Douglas - Op-Ed - The Seattle Times - June 23, 2015